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Breast Augmentation

Congratulations on taking the first step toward the new you! Did you know that breast augmentation carries a nearly 95% national patient satisfaction. At The Artisan Center, our patients have raved about the positive changes in their life-from improved self-confidence to the freedom to wear (and feel comfortable) in clothing they had avoided before. Breast Augmentation is one of the top plastic surgical procedures nationwide and, at The Artisan Center, we have performed this operation on hundreds of patients ranging in age from 18 to 80. You have questions, we have answers. First and foremost, we believe that our responsibility is to provide you with unbiased information so that you can make the best decision for yourself. We have sample implants, pictures, testimonials, and the experience in sizing that you deserve. We are proud to offer both saline and silicone prosthetics and all 3 brands of FDA approved manufacturers: Sientra, Mentor, and Allergan. If you are considering silicone implants, Dr. Rodgers strongly recommends Sientra. Drawing upon his personal experience with prosthetics of over a decade, he absolutely notices a lower implant-related complication rate (contractures/ruptures/displacements) when Sientra implants are placed. Furthermore, Sientra will only sell their implants to Board-Certified Plastic Surgeons and have the most impressive warranty coverage in the business.

About the Surgery

Breast augmentation takes about an hour and is done on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia. The scarring is minimal-just about a 4cm (less than 2-inch) incision under the breast, around the nipple, or in the armpit (Dr. Rodgers will discuss the benefits and draw-backs of each choice). From there, the space for your new implants is delicately created. Dr. Rodgers strongly believes in the dual-plane augmentation-where the upper portion of the implant is placed beneath your pectoralis (chest) muscle and the lower portion is positioned directly under your breast tissue for enhanced projection. Recovery varies somewhat between patients but most of Dr. Rodgers’ augmentation patients are back to work in 48 to 72 hours with only minimal discomfort. Expect mild swelling and bruising that gradually fades over about 2 weeks. Implants may appear ‘high’ for the first couple of weeks but will be completely natural looking in about a month. Strong support (sports bra) is recommended for 3 months for prosthetics under 500cc and 6 months for over. The FDA recommends that prosthetics be exchanged (or removed) in 10 years.
